European Condensed Physics Meeting CMD29 21-26 August 2022, Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester, UK

Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society together with the Institute of Physics (UK)
Hybrid event

22 August, 2 PM
A. Zagoskin
“Towards the Heisenberg limit in microwave photon detection by a qubit array”
Oral presentation.

Using an analytically solvable model, we show that a qubit array-based detector allows to achieve the fundamental Heisenberg limit in detecting single photons. In case of superconducting qubits, this opens new opportunities for quantum sensing and communications in the important microwave range.

On behalf of the WP8 participants
Dr. Mikhail Fistul
Ruhr -Universitaet Bochum, Germany

Dr. Mikhail Lisitskiy – Project Coordinator
National Research Council (CNR) of Italy,
SPIN-CNR of Pozzuoli (Italy)